
  • 电影改编自《华尔街日报》战地记者丹尼尔•珀尔的妻子所写的回忆录丹尼尔(丹·福特曼 Dan Futterman饰)前往巴…
  • 大卫(克里斯特·亨里克森 饰)和玛丽安(莱娜·恩卓 饰)的丈夫麦克斯(Thomas Hanzon 饰)是好友。大卫和玛丽安…
  • 机器生活

  • Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but …
  • Up North explores love, friendship, and family politics, all of which collide, when a young rebellious hei…
  • 一条美人鱼从太平洋上被撕裂,尾巴被切掉,她被扔进了一个精神病院,在那里没有人相信她是美人鱼。
  • A disgraced ex special forces agent turns to a demon that offers him a job as a soul hunter. Chaos ensues …
  • Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in t…
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